Sweet Maremma... Sweet Maremma

What is that Earth rich in every earthly gift and every contradiction?

Maremma is not just a place, but an existential dimension, a way of being and thinking. We have also imagined it like this, Honey color , a medium dark shade of yellow, the color of light, life and nectar that the industrious and intelligent nature gives us through the meticulous work of bees, which we know, proliferate more where man reaches less.

Maremma Dolce wants to represent exactly this, a tribute to the perfectly calibrated and fragile balances of our Earth, a treasure to be preserved through a concrete and increasingly fundamental commitment.

This is what the feeling of belonging is for us, doing everything possible, in the best way, something concrete to preserve what surrounds us so that our children can enjoy it too. We look for the best and most innovative sheets of cellulose acetate, always preferring those that contain plant-based plasticizer.

Furthermore, our Italian suppliers guarantee the use of renewable energy throughout the entire production chain.

Our constant commitment allows us to obtain glasses with a remarkable bio-based content and 100% Made in Italy .

Discover Maremma Dolce: https://www.miracapalbio.com/products/mira%C2%AE-maremma-dolce
